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was denn? 

i can not extract the files from my windows 11 computer. I can download them but it will not extract. is the file extension suppose to be .rar?

ich benötige die Lösung des Exam Tests! Ich probiere es schon seit 2-3 Stunden und komme hier nicht auf die Lösung

there is a solution in the area of the exam exam! I'm not a math genius and I haven't found out anything about the city! I've been sitting on this test for 2-3 hours! and no idea! Please need the solution

could have bruteforced through it in that time lol

didn’t understand what I had to do to get out of the house)). Perhaps it is worth abandoning the swaying effect, as the eyes are very tired. Based on the description, the idea is very good, so success in the implementation of everything planned!

Next update will have a tutorial and will have the 1st person seasick effect reduced (if not removed entirely), to get out of the house you'll have to complete a few quick quests that are stated and explained shortly in the journal (Accessed by default with J key)

Thanks for such a prompt response.

Can i play it on windows 11?

I don't see why not, I suppose it runs on any windows after windows 7
